If you have questions email me @ jjmusicpro@hotmail.com
If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever. UMRA
Download Trial Version of UMRA > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
Download Trial Version of SSRPM > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
UMRA – Get attribute (AD) Example Tips and Help
If you have already read my blog about some of the basics on the Create User (AD) UMRA Action then please visit http://activedirectoryadmin.blogspot.com/2009/08/umra-create-user-ad-action-help.html that blog to catch up to speed on this post.Previous UMRA Action Topics.
-Move – Rename (AD)
-Remove User Group Membership
-Set User Group Memberships
-Edit User (AD)
-Get User (AD)
-Create User (AD)
-Create user (no AD)
-Edit user logon
In this blog we will be talking about the UMRA action Set attribute (AD). Now, this is one of the main actions other then Get User (AD) in the UMRA action list. The Set attribute (AD) is typically following some type of Get User (AD) or Get object (AD). If you haven’t already read about the Get attribute (AD) function, then this function is the exact opposite of that. The Set attribute (AD) action will allow you to set an attribute in active directory to your specific value, you can set almost any attribute if you have the right input for it, such as firstname, lastname, company, group memberships, memberof, password etc. Don’t forget, you can also set flags on accounts with this function, so you can set if a user needs to reset there password upon next successful login, or any other yes/no value etc. So below is a quick overview of some of the property values of the UMRA action Set attribute (AD).
User Object -
This by default is set to %UserObject%. To bind to the user object, see the action Get User (AD) upon successful location of a user account ,it will bind to the user that it was passed, either by user dn, or user samaccountname.
Active Directory Object -
This by default is set to %ActiveDirectoryObject%. If you want to set the attribute of an active directory object such as a group, or ou, or computer account, you would remove the %UserObject% variable and use this on.
Active Directory object LDAP name –
Instead of using the action above, you can now pass the full LDAP path to the active directory object, instead of binding to the LDAP object first.
LDAP attribute display name -
This will be the active directory LDAP name such as cn, canonicalname, memberof, etc. A list of these can be found on the internet. If you do not see a attribute value name in the drop down, you can type in the attribute name into the text box.
Attribute value -
This will be the new value of the LDAP attribute you want to set. Now keep in mind that some attributes take specific data types, and store information in a specific format
Skip if new value empty –
Turn this flag to yes, if you want to skip the update, if the value you are passing to the active directory attribute is black or has no value, this will keep it from setting the attribute to %your_variable%.
Multi-value flag –
Turn this flag to yes, if you are going to update an attribute that has multi values being passed to it, such as the memberof attribute, you can now pass it a string of dn’s of groups.
Append versus update multi-value-flag –
Turn this flag on if you want to just update the group memberships of a person, or another active directory attribute, this property allows to just add to the current value, instead of over right anything that is in there.
So there you have it, as you can see the UMRA action Set attribute (AD) is one of the most widely used actions in most any project. If you have any questions feel free to email me.