UMRA – MASS CSV Create User Data to Active Directory

If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever. UMRA

Download Trial Version of UMRA >
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UMRA – MASS CSV Create User Data to Active Directory

This blog is going to be a different approach on how to use UMRA to do a UMRA MASS Create User from a Microsoft Excel CSV file. As you know, most of the topics I’ve covered are using the UMRA Automation module to automate user creation, user comparison, etc. So if you haven’t already taken a look at how to automate your student information system such as PowerSchool, Destiny, Zangle, Aeries etc. see the below blogs>

PowerSchool Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

Destiny Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

Zangle Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

Aeires Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

So again, if you haven’t already checked out the above blogs, you should so you can get an idea of how you go about using UMRA Automation to automate your Student Information Sync to Active Directory. Ok, so back to the topic of doing a UMRA MASS import of users from a CSV to Active Directory. So below I will give you some tips of how you can achieve this process with your CSV of userdata.

Step 1
The more information the better. So the more userdata you can get in your CSV, the more flexible your script can be.

Step 2
Before you start working on your script, think about what is your trying to accomplish, are you only creating user accounts, or will you be creating home/profile folders, email, group permission etc. If you’re going to just create student accounts, then you can do more than just putting all the account into one OU then sorting them later. With UMRA MASS you have the ability to create users in specific OU’s if you have data the corresponds to where they should be in Active Directory.

CSV Data might have School and Grade columns, so you can map where you create the user like this. OU=%Grade%,OU=%School%,OU=….
This can be placed into your create user, so for each record it will take the CSV data and dynamically place your records data into those variables, and create the user in that OU dynamically!

Step 3
After your users are created, you can now take any other steps needed when you provision your accounts in Active Directory. This can vary from group membership, home folder creation, email create etc.

So I hope this helps some of you out there who might be trying to look for a way to do a UMRA MASS import of users into your Active Directory Environment. The steps above only really cover just a fraction of what UMRA can do, for more information on more functions see my other blogs, or visit the website.


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