If you have questions email me @ jjmusicpro@hotmail
If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever.
Download Trial Version of UMRA > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
Download Trial Version of SSRPM > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
UMRA – Get User (AD) Example Tips and Help
If you have already read my blog about some of the basics on the Create User (AD) UMRA Action then please visit http://activedirectoryadmin.blogspot.com/2009/08/umra-create-user-ad-action-help.html that blog to catch up to speed on this post.In this blog post we will be coving the UMRA action Get User (AD). We will talk about some of the features, and tips of using the action, plus talk about how it’s one of the main actions you will be using in most of your UMRA scripts. So, first I will talk about what this action does. The Get User (AD) action binds to a user object in Active Directory. Bind you ask? Yes, when I say bind, it means that any actions in your script that are executed against the %userobject% variable, will happen to the user you binded to. How do you set the %userobject% variable? This is simple, as long as you bind to a user object either by full name example (Joe Fox), username example (joefox67), or user dn example (CN=Joe Fox,OU=High School,OU=…) you can set the %userobject% variable within your UMRA script script.
So here is a quick tip on how to really bring out true functionally in your UMRA Get User (AD) action. In most cases you can bind right to the user object with there username, or samaccountname. However, in some cases you might have to do a search in Active Directory for an employeeID, or some other unique identifier, since you might not know the user objects username. So you can use the “Search Object (AD)” UMRA action to search for a user with an Active Directory attribute that equals some criteria, if it finds a user that meets your criteria, then it will store the users dn, in %searchresults% variable, this variable can then be passed to your Get User (AD) action. This is just one of the many ways you can daisy chain your UMRA actions to work for you.
So I hope this helps any of you out there trying to figure out some of the ways to use the UMRA action Get User(AD).
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