If you have questions email me @ jjmusicpro@hotmail.com
If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever. UMRA
Download Trial Version of UMRA > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
Download Trial Version of SSRPM > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
UMRA – Remove User Group Memberships Example Tips and Help
If you have already read my blog about some of the basics on the Create User (AD) UMRA Action then please visit http://activedirectoryadmin.blogspot.com/2009/08/umra-create-user-ad-action-help.html that blog to catch up to speed on this post.In this blog post we are going to talk about the UMRA action Remove User Group Memberships (AD). This action works in conjunction with some form of an UMRA action Get User (AD) . You will first need to bind to the user object to get the %userobject% set, and then call the UMRA action Set User Group Memberships (AD) will allow you to remove a user group memberships quickly, in one pass instead of having to loop through some table, and remove the groups one by one. Also, if you look at the Properties of this function you will see you can remove a specific type of group membership, instead of sending a list or a table to be removed. So below are a quick overview of how each of the Property values work.
User Object -
By default this is set to %UserObject%, as stated above you will need to connect or bind to an active directory user first, before you can use this action. In most cases you can use the UMRA action Get User (AD) to accomplish this.
Remove from local groups -
This flag can be turned off/on. If the flag is on, it will remove any local groups from the user in 1 pass.
Remove from global groups -
This flag can be turned off/on. If the flag is on, it will remove any global groups from the user in 1 pass.
Remove from universal groups -
This flag can be turned off/on. If the flag is on, it will remove any universal groups from the user in 1 pass.
Remove from security groups -
This flag can be turned off/on. If the flag is on, it will remove any security groups from the user in 1 pass.
Remove from distribution groups -
This flag can be turned off/on. If the flag is on, it will remove any distribution groups from the user in 1 pass.
Now keep in mind that you don’t have to turn off these off except one, you can mix and match these depending on what groups you want to remove from a user. In most cases that we see, the UMRA action Remove User Group Memberships (AD) will be used in some type of active directory user disable / decommission process. So I hope this helps any of you out there trying to get a little more information on how to use the UMRA action Remove User Group Memberships (AD).
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