UMRA – Powerschool Database Data Export to Active Directory

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PowerSchool Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

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Aeires Student Information System SIS To Active Directory

UMRA – Powerschool Database Data Export to Active Directory

I’ve been taking a glance over some of my key words for my blog and I see of my major traffic is based on the Popular Student Information System SIS PowerSchool. Digging deep, I see that my users are very interested in getting the data from the PowerSchool Database to Active Directory. So in this blog post I will give you a quick rundown on the different ways of getting this process started.

So first thing is first, if you haven’t already you will need to download UMRA since this will be our main SIS automation tool. This will allow us to connect to the PowerSchool SIS Database, or allow you to get a CSV data dump of PowerSchool Students, and import that into Active Directory. Now, depending on if your PowerSchool SIS database is hosted internally within your network and you have control of it, or if your PowerSchool SIS database is hosted with a hosting company, the below methods will change.

If you can Connect Directly or Remotly to PowerSchool Database -
Create a UMRA Automation Project and within this project, you will need to drag/drop 1 “Generate Generic Table” action to your main script, this will be your main connector to your PowerSchool Database. Now go through the normal database connection steps as you’ve done before when creating a generic table. For the SQL query, you can either create a view to only grab the information you need from PowerSchool, or you can write a complex SQL statement to join together all the tables needed.

If you can’t Connect Directly to PowerSchool Database -
In this case you will need to create a UMRA MASS Project, since you will most likely be getting a CSV of data from the PowerSchool DB.

Ok now that we have our connect setup, the next step will be very the same, since each script weather its an UMRA Automation Project or UMRA MASS Project. So now that you have your data, you now need to create your script for student creation. Now keep in mind that UMRA has the ability to create OU’s Groups etc. So if needed you can create these on the fly, the same time you are creating your students. So first thing is first, you will need to make sure the student is not in Active Directory already, you can do a “search object AD” for this. If they are not in Active Directory lets create the account. After you’ve created the account, you can now move them to the correct location, or create the student account in the correct OU right when you create them, this is the most typical approach. After you have created the account, now you can create email accounts, home folders etc. And that’s it, a quick way to get connected to your PowerSchool Database or CSV and get those users in Active Directory.


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