UMRA – Set User Group Memberships Example Tips and Help

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UMRA – Set User Group Memberships Example Tips and Help

If you have already read my blog about some of the basics on the Create User (AD) UMRA Action then please visit that blog to catch up to speed on this post.

In this blog post we are going to talk about the UMRA action Set User Group Memberships (AD). This action works in conjunction with some form of an UMRA action Get User (AD) . You will first need to bind to the user object to get the %userobject% set, and then call the UMRA action Set User Group Memberships (AD) will allow you to set a user group memberships quickly, in one pass instead of having to loop through some table, and add the groups one by one. Now, there are a few ways to add users to a group, one is via Group names LDAP, or Group names Pre-W2K names. The most common use is via Group names LDAP. So below are a quick overview of how each of the Property values work.

User Object -

This should be set to %UserObject% by default. So you will need to bind to a user with UMRA action Get User (AD), and then place this script somewhere after the user bind has been established.

Group names (LDAP) -
Here one of the main Properties you will be using with this action. Here you can select your groups you want to add to the user account. Now there are 2 ways to do this, one is by setting the groups and then leaving the list as is. However, these lists can also be dynamic. So for example, say everyone who is created in your active directory, always get 2 groups, a security Group, and a Distribution Group. If you were to just select these in the selection tool, they will be hard coded, but if you select them, and edit the DN of the group to add variables, you can now make them dynamic. So if you have a group called Seattle Security, and Baltimore Security, you can pass in a variable called “%City%” into your UMRA action Set User Group Memberships (AD) table, and have it set the group on the fly. So your group dn in your table would be something like CN=%City% Security, OU=…… This is a very handy tip when trying to make your code as small, and stream lined as possible.

Group names (Pre-W2K name) –
This works almost as similar to Group names(LDAP), but as you will notice the inner table only will hold the group name, and not the group name and dn, like the previous action. Here also, you can manipulate the group names so they are dynamic, and not hardcoded.

So I hope this helps some of you out there with any questions you might have had with the UMRA action Set User Group Memberships (AD).

UMRA Group Managment User Management Resource Administrator


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