UMRA – Move – Rename (AD) Example Tips and Help

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UMRA – Remove User Group Memberships Example Tips and Help

If you have already read my blog about some of the basics on the Create User (AD) UMRA Action then please visit that blog to catch up to speed on this post.

In this blog we will be talking about the UMRA action Move - rename (AD). This action is another very handy action, that doesn’t get used as often as some other UMRA actions, but does quite a bit. In most cases we typically see this action used if a user moves locations such as, moving from department to department, and you have your Active Directory setup by departments. Or, most of the time we see this used in Student Information System Syncs with Active Directory. If a user moves schools, or changes grades, you can now move the student from school to school, or to another OU grade etc. Now this action is almost always used in with some form of a UMRA action Get User (AD) actions, since you will need to bind to your user first, that you want to move, or rename etc. Now keep in mind this actions is a dual purpose action, unlike some of the previous actions that we’ve talked about where they are for one active directory action, this one can move a user from OU to OU, or rename an active directory account. So below is a quick breakdown on some of the properties of the UMRA action Move - rename (AD).

User Object -
By default this is set to %UserObject%, as stated above you will need to connect or bind to an active directory user first, before you can use this action. In most cases you can use the UMRA action Get User (AD) to accomplish this.

Active Directory Object –
An %ActiveDirectory% object is almost the same as an %UserObject% except it’s based on an Active Directory object, such as group, computer etc. You can bind to an %ActiveDirectory% object by using the Get Object(AD), however we haven’t covered this in previous topics yet. However, if you take a look at the action, you see you can bind to it by the LDAP name of the object.

Organizational Unit-Container -
This will be the canonicalname path of the OU you want to place the user in, so for example WestHighSchool/Students/2011. Now keep in mind you can also move the user by the DN of the OU you want to move them to with the next below action.

OU-Container LDAP name –
Unlink moving a user by Organizational Unit-Container you can now move them with the DN of the OU, so for example OU=WestHighSchool,OU=Students,OU=……

Domain Controller -
This will be the name of your domain controller you want this action to be performed on, most of the time you will have a main INIT project with all your global variables in such as %domain%, and %dc%.

New Name –
Unlike previous actions, this one rename the account, that you are binded to. This will change the Common Name of the user account. This is the value you see when your in Active Directory searching through OU’s.

So there you have it, a quick break down of UMRA action Move - rename (AD). I hope this helps any of you out there with any questions you might have had.


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