UMRA – Automation MASS Forms and Delegation

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UMRA – Automation MASS Forms and Delegation

In most of my blogs I talk about ways you can do different tasks in your Active Directory environment with UMRA. These different tasks actually can be completed in many different ways within the UMRA software however, in this blog I am going to break down the different modules in UMRA to give you a better idea of what it is that will fit and work with your project a little better. Now, in most of my blogs, my example projects consist of those of you who use UMRA Automation or UMRA MASS. Most of my examples for UMRA Forms and Delegation I like to do on the web, instead of using the built in Forms and Delegation client within UMRA. So below I will break down at a very high level of what each of the different modules do.

UMRA – Automation Module

UMRA Automation is very similar to the UMRA MASS module however UMRA Automation you have the ability to put your scripts on a schedule. Schedule you might be asking? Yes, you can have your script run on a specific interval, example would be to have your script run every hour, day, or week. This is extremely helpful when you’re doing a sync with your student information system SIS to active directory. You can now read your SIS every hour, and make sure new users are created, or status changes reflected down to Active Directory. Also, when you get the UMRA Automation you get full use of the UMRA COM Object. The UMRA COM Object is a .dll file that is packed with methods and functions to call UMRA from a remote application such as a web page. Form more information on this, please see my other blog:

UMRA – MASS Module

UMRA MASS is very similar to the UMRA Automation module however instead of being able to schedule your UMRA projects to run on an hourly, daily, monthly basis etc. Your scripts are now executed on a “one by one” basis, so you will have to manually go in and execute a your script when you want it to run. That is the biggest difference between the two, there are a few other differences, but that is the biggest one.

UMRA – Forms and Delegation Module

UMRA Forms and Delegation module is very different from the UMRA MASS and UMRA Automation modules, they however use the same drag/drop script logic for behind the screens processing, but now allow for a user form to be created for imput. So for example you can make a simple form that the end user types in a firstname, lastname, and maybe picks a location from a list, and hits a “Create User” button. This button would take those inputs from the client and use those values for your UMRA script.

So as you can see UMRA is a very handy tool when it comes to handing your Active Directory needs, and no matter what you need to do, it can handle it with one of the available modules.


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