UMRA - Lotus Notes Migration

If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever.

Download Trial Version of UMRA >

UMRALotus Notes Migration

Converting from one security model to another is no easy task, epically if you have thousands of Users accounts to provision, and objects to move. However, with UMRA this task becomes quite simple. Some of the different migration scenarios that we’ve heard our clients want to do are Lotus Notes > Active Directory, E Directory > Active Directory and so forth. This Blog will focus on the power of UMRA – Lotus Notes Migration. UMRA has over 30 Lotus Notes actions ready for you to use, no VBScripts, no Pearl scripts etc. Just easy to use drag and drop actions that will let make your Migration go a lot smoother, and make sure your User Accounts and different Objects are created correctly.

UMRALotus Notes Migration Tips

We will talk about this at a high level, and really focus on the “how” most Migrations are handled, and give you a good idea of how flexible UMRA really is. With UMRA we can create a table of Lotus Notes Users, or create a table of Lotus Notes Users from a CSV… We can now loop through that table, and have accounts created, and added to specific OU’s depending on data pulled from the Users account in Lotus Notes. Once, the account is created, in another script, or same script, we can now apply group memberships, create home folders, and create exchange mailbox’s if needed. As you can see, UMRA can handle the whole user creation process, as well as the Lotus Notes Migration quickly and effectively. Again, this was more a higher level look, and shows how easy a migration can be.

UMRALotus Notes Actions


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