UMRA – Command Line Utility

If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever.

Download Trial Version of UMRA >

UMRACommand Line Utility

User Management Resource Administrator is a very resourceful tool when managing Active Directory Objects. Some of you may be use to doing everyday Active Directory Tasks with old VBScripts or Pearl Scripts. You don’t need to throw out these old scripts that you have, you can now execute them with UMRACommand Line Utility Action. Yes…you heard me right, you can now pass data from a UMRA script to the Command Line, and have it do its work…what does this mean and how will it benefit you? There are some applications that offer a API, or command line remote call to execute specific methods for their programs or ways to communicate back and forth. We’ve had a lot of different clients have us provision downstream User Accounts in other systems with UMRA that only had an API to talk to.

UMRACommand Line Utility Tips

Most VBScripts or Peal script that you run now to manage your Active Directory can actually be converted into UMRA projects. UMRA has the ability to Create / Edit / Modify Active Directory Objects, Create Exchange Accounts 2003 2007, LDAP Controls and so much more, so most likely, your older scripts can be converted easily. Plus, you will now be able to update and change your scripts easily instead of having to deal with hundreds of lines of code for your older projects.

UMRACommand Line Utility Example

Create A New UMRA Project, and drag / drop a “Execute command line” action to your script. This action can be found under Other Actions > Execute command line. Copy and Paste this below script to a blank .vbs file

Wscript.Echo "Hello"
Wscript.Quit 0

Now in your UMRA “Execute command line” action add this C:\> cscipt hello.vbs
Run your UMRA project, and bingo you have now run your first Command Line from UMRA.


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