If you haven’t already, please read my first post on where and how to download a trial version of User Management Resource Administrator, developed by tools4ever.
Download Trial Version of UMRA > http://www.tools4ever.com/download/
UMRA – Access Management
In any company allowing specific users to Access Software applications, programs, etc… is a very difficult task. Most of the time you need to a large set of IT staff to help manage access to these different business applications. This is the classic scenario we run into when developing UMRA – Projects for our clients. UMRA has the ability to manage group objects in Active Directory, so now Access Management with UMRA is a breeze. UMRA, can handle Access Management 3 ways, UMRA - MASS , UMRA - Delegation, and UMRA - Automation. What is best for you? All methods will help you control your Active Directories Access Management, however do them all in a different fashion. I will break the different types of ways you can do this below, for each of the UMRA modules.
How Does UMRA handle Access Management?
UMRA - MASSWith this method we can create a custom UMRA script that will take network data, or CSV data etc. and based off a column of data, we can add or remove a group membership from a specific user. This doesn’t have to be 1 group at a time; you can have as little or as many groups applied, or removed from a user as needed.
UMRA - Delegation
With this method you can create a custom UMRA - Forms, delegate out those forms to a specific group of users, or a single user to manually add/remove users from a group with single button click. How does this method help you though? The subset of users that you allow access to this application, don’t need to have any elevated rights in Active Directory, and only users you Delegate the UMRA - Form out to. Plus, every time the user adds/removes a user from a group, it’s done with your UMRA script action, and this whole process is done with very strict Access Management controls.
UMRA - AutomationThis method is very similar to the UMRA - MASS method, however you can now add your script to an automated schedule. How does adding your UMRA script to an automated schedule benefit the company? Simple… you can now have your script run every 10 minutes or hour etc. and depending on if your CSV or database data has changed, it will reflect that in your Active Directory environment.
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