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UMRA – Power School Active Directory Sync
Just recently I was tasked with taking colleges current Student Information System (SIS) and have that data replicated and synced up with their current Active Directory Structure. Most of you know this is no easy task, making sure names, locations; home folders, exchange emails, and other downstream systems were all in sync. However, with UMRA – Automation module this task is possible, however without UMRA this task could take days, if not multiple months to finish. Now this sync, included more then just firstname and lastname checks, I had to do the complete check on the actual user account, and other objects in AD. Other objects you ask? Yes, I also had to create groups, and OU’s on the fly. Since each student was added to a group based on their current enrolled curriculum. So in this blog post I will go over how to get your information lined up, and what hurdles I had to cross before I was able to get this project finished up.UMRA – Power School SIS Pre Work
So before we even get started on the UMRA – Automation sync to Power School, we need to find out how we are going to obtain our data. In some cases, we are not allowed to connect directly to a Database, and run our quires on it. In my case I was only giving a view of data, that I had to work with. Below is a quick diagram and some tip’s of how you can use your view to create a virtual SQL Database of the Power School Student Information System (SIS).Get Database view from Power School> Use UMRA to pull SQL View From Power School, and loop through that table to insert records into your virtual SQL Database.Now that we have the Power School Student Information System data in a database, you can now have a UMRA project grab that data, and loop through it. What the benefit doing that compared to just grabbing the data right from the SQL view? The benefit of putting it into another database is, now you can add you own columns and other requirements that you may need with running your UMRA – Automation project, that are not originally in your SQL View from Power School.So the next step would be to diagram out what you’re going to do when certain scenarios arise. See below for a few examples.Work Flows and Custom Processes Examples
Student is Active in Power School But not in active directory – You can do multiple things here, create the account, maybe put the data into a “staging database” and have some type of customer webpage to show you who needs to be created.
Student is Active in Power School But Account in Active Directory is Disabled – Here you can do multiple things again, maybe read group memberships based on some data in the SQL database, move the account etc.
Those were just a few of the scenarios that you can run into when doing this type of UMRA – Automation with Power School. So now that you have all your diagram laid out, create your scripts, and put your script(s) on a custom schedule, and your ready to go.